Recent projects in wireless communication concentrates to find best to type of communication wireless services. To communicate from one device to another, wireless communication act as a communication tool. Recent projects in wireless communication are based in preserving the energy of wireless nodes. Radio microwaves are used in wireless communication for an effective communication.


Characteristic of Wireless Communication:

  • Notification: Wireless communication provides the notification, it refers to the messages that are viewed or may not by the user.
  • Priority alerts: High and low priority data can be distinguished in wireless communication and controls data traffic.
  • Connectivity opinion: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection serve as a connectivity option as software and hardware support, choosing connection type.
  • Unlimited roaming and range: Portable devices are needed for wireless communication. To find out users location and calculate base station is how long and far from user.
  • Support service to million of users: It provides service to many users.
  • Guarantee of delivery: Data delivery and acknowledgement of message based on user location and user’s data is given in wireless communication.
  • Communication: Wireless communication is a portable communication device and user friendly software application so it provides a better communication services.

Protocols Used In recent projects in wireless communication:

A protocol refers to a group of rule to convey between client and server. Wireless application protocol is standard communication protocol. E.g.: WAP is used in cellular phone who can communicate to the server.

Internet link is also allowed. WAP gateway and browser software is contained. To make a connection to the WAP gateway the communication device uses this browser software. WAP gateways does the function of sending and receiving data.


WAP Specifications:

  • Wireless Telephone Applications.
  • Micro Browsing.

WAP Model:

Three important services are followed in WAP are:

  • An origin server.
  • A gateway.
  • A proxy.

The Origin Server:

  • It is the main server.
  • Many GGI scripts are found and other type of scripts.
  • Holds the content viewed by the clients.


  • Gets an input from origin server.
  • Receiver sends content to gateway.


  • It can be placed between client and origin server. It is another main server.
  • It protects origin server from malicious attacks.

Architecture of WAP:

WAP refers to wireless application protocols and are divided to several layers, it is known as WAP stack.

WAP Layer:

  • Wireless Data Protocols (WDP).
  • Wireless Transaction Protocols (WTP).
  • Wireless Session Protocol (WSP).
  • Wireless Application Environmental (WAC).
  • Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS).

Wireless Data Protocols (WDP)

  • Acts as a communication layer among upper layer and bearer service.
  • The upper layer functions are not interrupted.
  • Provides a basic setting configuration based on bearer service.

Wireless Transaction Protocols (WTP):

  • It handles transactions, separation and concatenation of encoded data, retransmission of data.
  • WTP setting are properly inserted.
  • It is referred as WTP management entity.

Wireless Session Protocol (WSP):

  • Support asynchronous communication.
  • Client’s requests are forwarded to server and replies to client.
  • Provide session to client and server communication.
  • Interchange encoded data between client and server.

Wireless Application Environment (WAE):

  • WAE contains build in application for wireless systems.
  • It contains HTML, URL, new modern technologies and hypertext transport protocols that are used in recent mobile networks.
  • It is a combination of data books, phone books, and text editors.
  • WAE programming language is written in WML script.

Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS):

  • Provide security for communication on data and the security issues between two portable devices are solved.
  • Source address, destination address, port number for destination user and message creator are contained in WTLS.


Recent projects in wireless communication aims in providing product awareness, technical knowledge which defines as wireless architecture. Wireless application protocols (WAP) are used in wireless communication layer. In our concern we do recent projects in wireless communication on various types of protocols. WAP serve as a basic model for other protocols.