Thesis on networking concentrates on analog and digital computer networks. By interconnection of computers and routers on a single cable network is formed. Our concern has supported more than 520+ Thesis on networking. Performance improvement on digital network is provided, as speed crosses the limit in network demand.

Thesis on networking is supported to the following departments

  • Communications.
  • Computer science.
  • Networking.
  • Information technology.

To build network on chip model, hybrid topology is used with cube based core processor. To reduce traffic overhead and get shortest path we make use of this method.

Network on chip functionality:

Computer networks support for design technologies and concepts for network on chip. A chip communication model could be made by IP cores and interconnected routers. The bandwidth and performance can be improved by NOC and good scalability of processing components are presented. Advanced services on networks is provided by NOC, it requires switch & routing design for adopting network on silicon chips.

NOC benefits:

  • Productivity is increased.
  • Large interfaces are supported.
  • Point to point connections.
  • Adopt synchronization
  • Dynamic power dissipation.

NOC model:

Two models of NOC are:

  • 2D dimensional NOC.
  • 3D dimensional NOC.

By 3D model on NOC, We form multiple layers by vertical links. 2D NOC limitations are overcome under 3D NOC.

A group of inter connected router is NOC. The path between output and input switch ports is router. Buffer is used to store intermediate data and flow control module of data transfer. Interconnection methodology of 3D model improves the performance & efficiency. Processor and memory have become inexpensive and small due to improvement in technology.

Interconnect topology:

Selecting topology is considered as vital part in NOC’s design. For mapping process in NOC many topologies are available as:

  • Star topology.
  • Mesh topology.
  • Torus topology.
  • Ring topology.
  • Binary tree topology.
  • Butterfly topology.
  • Fat binary tree.


Forwarding of data packets are done in router. To determine routing schemes networks are used. Storing packets, receiving in coming packets are routing those packets routing is responsible to the corresponding output port. The path of a packet is determined by routing function.

Switching in NOC:

Circuit and packet switching are the 2 main and basic mechanism used. In recent days virtual and wormhole switching is developed. A path from source to destination of data is reserved periodically for  transmission in the case of circuit switching. More energy is required to transmit data among network. For mechanism in NOC packet switching is used. Switching routers and nodes are used in packet switching.

Computer networks make use of wormhole switching in multicore processor and used widely. For the purpose of path identification in worm hole switching small and faster router is used.

Routing algorithm:

The path taken by a packet among sources to destination is selected by routing algorithm. To avoid live lock, dead lock and starvation situation routing algorithm is required. Packet circulating in a network is live lock. The cyclic dependency between nodes to access resources is deadlock.

Starvation occurs at times a packet in a buffer asks an output channel but it is block by other data.

Classifications of routing algorithm:

  • Path length.
  • Routing decision.
  • Path identification.

Flow control:

The packets flow among network by calculating buffer slot and cannel bandwidth is covered by flow control. Flit level flow control of data is possessed by NOC, node storage requirements are reduced.

Virtual channel:

For the purpose of channel transmission, virtual channel has are physical bandwidth and channel. To decouple the buffer resources form transmitted resources, we use virtual channels. Active messages are allowed in this decoupling process to pass blocked messages using bandwidth.

Thesis on networking projects helps to remove the barriers in networking. More technologies are being developed to reduce interconnect delays for the purpose of data transformation. Thermal issues on network can be removed by NOC. The latest research work deals in flow control and developing routing algorithm based projects for the research scholars.