Wireless projects for final year students have been supported by us for past 9 years. For fast and reliable communication purpose many applications are used in wireless communications.

Wireless projects for final year students are as follows:

  • Temperature alarm.
  • Audio transmitter for television.
  • Power transfer by using wireless communication.
  • Vehicle tracking systems.
  • Smart TV.

We support for engineering students wireless projects successfully. The interlink of communication devices must be known by the engineering students for solving communication issues.

Wireless communication devices:

Various wireless communication devices and their characteristics are provided:

Access point router:

Access point device is contained along with network address translator helps in translating one network address to another.

Access point:

It is a hardware device used to connect wireless and wired networks. Network switch is required with wireless card.

Access point bridges:

From access point signals are accepted and send to wired connection networks.

Wireless adapters:

In computers wireless adapters could be installed and it is a hardware device. Wireless connectivity could be enabled.

Wireless router:

Internet connection details of source and destination host could be accepted by wireless router, radio frequency signals are sent to other wireless communication router. By connecting multiple wirelesses enabled computers network can be constructed by wireless router.

Wireless repeaters:

Wireless repeaters are used among wireless networking devices to increase coverage range of the router. Radio frequency signal is received by wireless repeaters and the signal is re emitted with an increase in speed. Among routers repeaters are placed. For faster connection repeater assure guarantee.

Wireless phones:

One of the commonly used communication device in wireless network is wireless phone.

E.g. of wireless phone are:

  • Cordless phone.

Cordless phone have a limited coverage area, mobile phone have a large communication range.

Wireless devices:

  • Baby monitors.
  • Wireless video game devices.
  • Garage door opener.

Some wireless communication devices that are based on application are:

Computer peripherals:

Many fields use computers to perform their daily operation. As computer devices are developed by wireless technology they are easy to use e.g.:

  • Wireless keyboard.
  • Wireless printer.
  • Wireless mouse.

Communication equipment:

Various types of communication devices are used by humans. To record songs, singers make use of wireless microphone. Walkie- talkie & telephone pager was used in earlier days for communication but now a day mobile phones are used.

Household items:

On wireless basis household items are being innovated e.g.:

  • Wireless baby monitor.
  • Wireless remote.
  • Wireless DVD player.

Security concerns:

High security mechanism is provided by wireless technology to make our life easier. To protect our property, computer password and confidential data from thief or unauthorized use wireless devices are used.

Wireless projects for final year students stays as a challenge to overcome are the barriers and it acts as an important parameter for wireless technology growth.