Projects on network security provide useful security protocols for network layers. Network security is the art of protecting network or information contained in computer from the attackers. To protect data at the time of transmission, protocols are used.

Security Protocols:

Network Layer:

By OSI model communication network layer are designed. Data link layer, network layer, application layer and transport layer we provide the preferences. The above layers work in a network communication link, whereas in a computer system other layers are connected.

Application Layer:

  • S/MINE.
  • S-HTTP.

Projects on network security :

  • Designing individual privacy system.
  • Network attacks can be prevented and detected.
  • User centric networking.
  • Network virtualization for open cloud.


PGP (Pretty Good Privacy):

Public key crypto system is used for e-mails encryptoning and other form of communication.  It creates trust for user. Two keys are consisted and provide trust for the user. They are:

  • Public Key.
  • Private Key.

Secure Http:

Secure Http is an extension of hypertext transfer protocol. For designing web based application secure http is developed. There are 2 types of http messenger:

  • body of the message.

S-HTTP uses additional header for authentication, Message encryption and digital certificate.

Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME):

S/MIME is the extension of multipurpose internet mail extension protocols by adding algorithm and digital signature. The technical specification of communication protocols is MIME. The transmission of multimedia data as video, pictures and audio are described by MIME. In MIME, 3 types of public key encryption algorithm to encrypt message with session key are supported. RSA, triple DES and Diffie Hallman are the algorithms. In S/MIME digital signature algorithms of 160- bit SHA-1 or MD5 algorithm used.


Clients, servers and users authentication are allowed to design as it is a network authentication protocol. After checking the integrity of server and client by Kerberos, communication is enabled.

Secure Electronic Transaction:

Master card, Visa, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape and other group of companies developed SET. SET is a cryptographic protocol. There are 3 books in SET:

  • First Book: Business Dealing.
  • Second Book: Programmers guide.
  • Third Book: Formal Protocol Description.

Public key is used for algorithm encryption and digital certificate of every transaction.

Protocols Transport Layer:

Secure Socket Layer:

In Netscape and explorer SSL is used for general purpose cryptographic system. Between client and server secure path is provided by operating system or encrypting platform. For checking TCP connection it provides:

  • Server Authentication.
  • Secure authentication service.
  • Data encryption.
  • Client authentication.
  • Message integrity.

Transport Layer Security:

Data and security at the transport layer application is provided by TLS.

TLS features:

Security in Network layer: flexible security service is provided by the protocols for internet communication security. The technologies include VPN and IPSec.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec):

Encryption and authentication operation which is developed by internet engineering take force it suits. IP based internet security problem is solved. IPv6 and IPv4 are the versions and it possesses a very complex set of protocols. Confidentiality, access control, connectionless integrity, replay protection services and authentication are provided. The following objectives are achieved by encapsulation security payload protocol and authentication header protocol.

IPSec operates in 2 modes as:

  • Tunnel mode.
  • Transport mode.

Tunnel Mode: entire IP datagram protection is offered.

Transport Mode: Host to host protection is provided.

Virtual Private Network:

For security in public telecommunication infrastructure is used. By use of tunneling protocols security will be achieved.

Security in Link Layer:

Remote Authentication Dial in User Services:

The class of internet dials in security protocols, it includes challenge handshake authentication protocol and password authentication protocol.

Point To Point Protocol:

Communication among client and server is performed it is an old protocol.

Terminal access controller access control system (TACAS)

Tac- plus authentication protocol is referred as TACAS it supports authorization, authentication and auditing services for secure communication channel.

Future Scope on Network Security:

The future generation uses Cisco network security architecture as scanning elements for removing the antivirus engine, blur line in firewall and internet service provider. All the new technique are updated and absorbed by our team for projects on network security.