Peer to Peer Network Projects.
Peer to Peer network Projects allows the client to communicate with the server. Multimedia sharing among Peer to Peer is made possible by virtual communities. It has a lot of demand in academic and commercial association. Proper routing and protocols are needed for file sharing, content catching, routing.Applications and content search are the promising fields for research. Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a decentralized communications model in which each party has the same capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session. Unlike client/server architecture, the P2P network model allows each node to function as both a client and server. A new network will be introduced with both P2P and sensor network. Through this social communities and social network can be made. Many algorithms and protocols can be framed in future to make the transmission efficient.
Advantages of Peer to Peer Network Projects.
- To overcome the problems faced in data transfer and storage in data-intensive.
- Improve network performance.
- Cost of data-intensive workflows.
- Policy service for data management that can improve the performance of data intensive
- Peer to peer system for distributed data sharing.
- Check Content authentication.
- To improve quality security issues.
- Audio and Video File Sharing.
- Content Delivery Network.
- Creating autonomous web portals.
- P2P live Streaming Projects.
- Multimedia Projects.
- Software Distribution and File sharing via file Sharing Networks.

Peer to Peer Network Model.
Hybrid P2P Networks: Administrative functions are done by hybrid P2P with central server. This central server is needed to find a specific file and transfer to the clients. All the files available are collected and stored in this hybrid P2P. Napster is the best hybrid P2P.
Pure P2P Networks: Unlike hybrid P2P pure P2P doesn’t need any central server. Every peer can act either as a client or server. Gnutella and free net is the well known P2P network.
Protocols of P2P: File sharing is done effectively by several protocols. File transfer protocol (FTP) is used to share and distribute files. Bit torrent is used to reduce traffics. It is also a file sharing protocol which eliminates traffic in both P2P and internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) . Routing information is stored by TCP and lookup process is done by UDP in Peer to Peer Projects.
6’s features of peer to peer network Projects:
- Self-tunning.
- Secure.
- Self-repairing.
- Scalable.
- Sharing.
- Server less.
Disadvantages of PEER to PEER Network Projects.
Security Issues in Peer to peer network projects:
As early peer has the same function the attacker creates a special node that stands apart from other nodes. These attacker nodes spread through the client server model. Eclipse and Sybil attack poisons the file. Security protocols algorithm is created to ensure safe transmission and attack free in Peer to Peer network projects.
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