Matlab Based Communication Projects.
MATLAB is a simulation tool which helps to solve any crisis in matrix of an image. At our center many Matlab based communication projects are offered for all final as well as pre final year students. These communication projects based on Matlab are specially developed for signal processing in wireless and digital communication. To frame a project based on communication it is essential to layout the physical structure of communication links plus information and details such as source coding, equation, channel models, modulation and interleaving.
Communication Channels Models:
There are two types of wireless communication channel models. These channel models are named as Single Input-Single Output(SISO) and Multi-Input Multi-Output channels(MIMO). Single transmit antenna and Single receive antenna are used by SISO channel where as MIMO captures the spatial temporal features of it using a whole new channel.
Single Input Single Output (SISO): It is as indoor channel for small areas. Condition of the channel varies regarding time and location. It also needs Power Delay Profile (PDP) to represent delays in channels. The moment of variation of time is usually static because of its usual small size.
Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO): To Transmit and receive data MIMO uses multiple antennas. A correlation exists among transmitting and receiving antennas. The angle of arrival and multipath component is needed for MIMO’s efficient performance. Spatial correlation and PAS model are two components present in this channel.
Analog vs Digital communication.
Communication can be classified into analog communication and digital communication. Analog communications has two processes like modulation and demodulation. Digital communication includes the process of modulation, pulse shaping, filter matching and demodulation.
Different analog communication methods are
- Frequency.
- Phase.
- Single Side Band.
- Amplitude.
Process of Matlab Communication.
Code software prototypes, not-runtime optimized software and for research purpose MATLAB is made use. If functions as a library, handles graphics and if even has its own language and API (Matlab Application Program Interface). User of Matlab tool uses it for developing, managing, developing and profiling the program. It has many problem solving algorithms.
It performs both elementary as well as sophisticated functions. Commands vary for both LD and SD images. The language of MATLAB is the high level language as it performs actions like controlling flow statements, data structure, input/output.
Features of communication:
Self-organizing and self preserving networks are possible through advancing communication. We offer projects on underwater acoustic communication. SONAR images play a major role in underwater acoustic communication.
Matlab Interfaces:
Computer such as Workspace, command prompt and command history are some of Matlab interfaces that has window components. The Matlab commands are entered via command prompt. Command history recovers and saves all the commands received. GUI is one of the interfaces of matlab.
MATLAB array commands:
The commands that are needed to operate the MATLAB tool are as follows:
- Reshape-change in size
- Sum-sum each column
- Cat-Concatenating arrays
- Lin space-Creating regularly spaced vector
- Log space-Creating logarithmically spaced vector
- Sort-Sorts each column
- Length-number of elements of the computers.