Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research are assisted by us we excel in providing a top-notch paper writing service. These journals are known for their contributions to the advancement of knowledge and technology in their respective areas. We offer fast publication support on the below listed journals.
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Information and Software Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- IEEE Software
- Software Quality Journal
- Journal of Information Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
- ACM Transactions on Information Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- ACM Computing Surveys
- Journal of the ACM
- IEEE Transactions on Computers
- Computer Networks
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences
- ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- Information Sciences
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
- Computers & Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Pattern Recognition
- International Journal of Computer Vision
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems
- Information Systems
- Journal of Strategic Information Systems
- Decision Support Systems
- International Journal of Information Management
- IEEE Access
- ACM Transactions on the Web
- Future Generation Computer Systems
- Journal of Computer Information Systems
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems
- The Computer Journal
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Interacting with Computers
- Journal of Web Semantics
List of Journal in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research
List of Journal in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research ha we support with es paper writing work are shared by us…so make use of our services for a benchmark journal publication. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Informatik-Spektrum | 1706012 | Computer Science Applications |
2. | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies | 15393100 | Computer Science Applications |
3. | Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference | 8917736 | Computer Science Applications |
4. | Australian Educational Computing | 8169020 | Computer Science Applications |
5. | Cognition, Technology and Work | 14355558 | Computer Science Applications |
6. | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | 16875591 | Computer Science Applications |
7. | Journal of Control Science and Engineering | 16875249 | Computer Science Applications |
8. | International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics | 1741539X | Computer Science Applications |
9. | BMC Systems Biology | 17520509 | Computer Science Applications |
10. | Journal of Environmental Informatics | 17262135 | Computer Science Applications |
11. | International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies | 15481093 | Computer Science Applications |
12. | Journal of Web Librarianship | 19322909 | Computer Science Applications |
13. | Logistics Research | 1865035X | Computer Science Applications |
14. | Cognitive Computation | 18669956 | Computer Science Applications |
15. | International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | 18688659 | Computer Science Applications |
16. | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 19389027 | Computer Science Applications |
17. | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | 15593940 | Computer Science Applications |
18. | Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making | 15553434 | Computer Science Applications |
19. | International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics | 17529131 | Computer Science Applications |
20. | International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP | 13138502 | Computer Science Applications |
21. | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences | 17567017 | Computer Science Applications |
22. | Information and Control | 10020411 | Computer Science Applications |
23. | Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering | 22138986 | Computer Science Applications |
24. | International Journal of Electronic Governance | 17427509 | Computer Science Applications |
25. | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 15391523 | Computer Science Applications |
26. | International Journal of Electronic Business | 14706067 | Computer Science Applications |
27. | Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa | 20707401 | Computer Science Applications |
28. | International Series in Operations Research and Management Science | 8848289 | Computer Science Applications |
29. | Interaction Design and Architecture(s) | 18269745 | Computer Science Applications |
30. | JALT CALL Journal | 18324215 | Computer Science Applications |
31. | International Biomechanics |
| Computer Science Applications |
32. | Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express |
| Computer Science Applications |
33. | Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts | 16469798 | Computer Science Applications |
34. | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development | 20421338 | Computer Science Applications |
35. | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | 18117295 | Computer Science Applications |
36. | mSystems |
| Computer Science Applications |
37. | npj Computational Materials |
| Computer Science Applications |
38. | Mechatronic Systems and Control | 25611771 | Computer Science Applications |
39. | Brain Informatics | 21984018 | Computer Science Applications |
40. | Quantitative Biology | 20954689 | Computer Science Applications |
41. | Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia |
| Computer Science Applications |
42. | International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements | 20460546 | Computer Science Applications |
43. | Education in the Knowledge Society |
| Computer Science Applications |
44. | Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science | 22993649 | Computer Science Applications |
45. | Advances in E-Business Research Series | 19352700 | Computer Science Applications |
46. | Journal of Special Education Technology | 1626434 | Computer Science Applications |
47. | International Journal of Telerehabilitation |
| Computer Science Applications |
48. | Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification | 23772158 | Computer Science Applications |
49. | International Journal of Information and Education Technology |
| Computer Science Applications |
50. | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering | 20476841 | Computer Science Applications |
51. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | 25618148 | Computer Science Applications |
52. | Information Sciences Letters | 20909551 | Computer Science Applications |
53. | Technology Innovation Management Review |
| Computer Science Applications |
54. | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | 23674512 | Computer Science Applications |
55. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence |
| Computer Science Applications |
56. | Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality |
| Computer Science Applications |
57. | JMIR Diabetes |
| Computer Science Applications |
58. | JMIR Formative Research |
| Computer Science Applications |
59. | JMIR Cardio |
| Computer Science Applications |
60. | Ledger |
| Computer Science Applications |
61. | npj Digital Medicine |
| Computer Science Applications |
62. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology |
| Computer Science Applications |
63. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics | 2364415X | Computer Science Applications |
64. | Drones |
| Computer Science Applications |
65. | Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research |
| Computer Science Applications |
66. | Journal of Internet Services and Information Security | 21822069 | Computer Science Applications |
67. | Caracteres |
| Computer Science Applications |
68. | Journal of Cryptologic Research | 20957025 | Computer Science Applications |
69. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | 15614042 | Computer Science Applications |
70. | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | 23665971 | Computer Science Applications |
71. | Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications |
| Computer Science Applications |
72. | Data Science and Engineering | 23641185 | Computer Science Applications |
73. | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | 21994668 | Computer Science Applications |
74. | Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy | 16848853 | Computer Science Applications |
75. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | 9748571 | Computer Science Applications |
76. | Science Robotics |
| Computer Science Applications |
77. | Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management |
| Computer Science Applications |
78. | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 21532974 | Computer Science Applications |
79. | Smart Health |
| Computer Science Applications |
80. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X | 2590177X | Computer Science Applications |
81. | Campus Virtuales |
| Computer Science Applications |
82. | International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching | 21557098 | Computer Science Applications |
83. | International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research | 19479263 | Computer Science Applications |
84. | Advanced Biomedical Engineering |
| Computer Science Applications |
85. | Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies |
| Computer Science Applications |
86. | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | 18463312 | Computer Science Applications |
87. | Argument and Computation | 19462166 | Computer Science Applications |
88. | International Journal of Sensor Networks | 17481279 | Computer Science Applications |
89. | International Journal of Architectural Computing | 14780771 | Computer Science Applications |
90. | International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing | 17939623 | Computer Science Applications |
91. | Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | 18266223 | Computer Science Applications |
92. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 14666642 | Computer Science Applications |
93. | International Review of Law, Computers and Technology | 13600869 | Computer Science Applications |
94. | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | 19401493 | Computer Science Applications |
95. | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | 19391390 | Computer Science Applications |
96. | International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control | 17466172 | Computer Science Applications |
97. | ReCALL | 9583440 | Computer Science Applications |
98. | Information and Communications Technology Law | 13600834 | Computer Science Applications |
99. | Leonardo | 0024094X | Computer Science Applications |
100. | Leonardo Music Journal | 9611215 | Computer Science Applications |
101. | Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering | 14514869 | Computer Networks and Communications |
102. | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing | 22117938 | Computer Networks and Communications |
103. | Information Security and Cryptography | 16197100 | Computer Networks and Communications |
104. | Online Learning Journal | 24725730 | Computer Networks and Communications |
105. | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control | 22103279 | Computer Networks and Communications |
106. | Information Technologies and International Development | 15447529 | Computer Networks and Communications |
107. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | 25112104 | Computer Networks and Communications |
108. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | 23945443 | Computer Networks and Communications |
109. | Big Data Mining and Analytics |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
110. | Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
111. | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | 10613773 | Computer Science (all) |
112. | Computers and Electrical Engineering | 457906 | Computer Science (all) |
113. | Computers and Fluids | 457930 | Computer Science (all) |
114. | Computers and Industrial Engineering | 3608352 | Computer Science (all) |
115. | Proceedings – IEEE INFOCOM | 0743166X | Computer Science (all) |
116. | European Journal of Operational Research | 3772217 | Computer Science (all) |
117. | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | 13000632 | Computer Science (all) |
118. | Iraqi Journal of Science | 672904 | Computer Science (all) |
119. | ACM Computing Surveys | 3600300 | Computer Science (all) |
120. | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | 15293785 | Computer Science (all) |
121. | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | 1279084 | Computer Science (all) |
122. | Computer Science Review | 15740137 | Computer Science (all) |
123. | International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering | 15541045 | Computer Science (all) |
124. | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing | 17411084 | Computer Science (all) |
125. | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | 15443558 | Computer Science (all) |
126. | ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications | 21852766 | Computer Science (all) |
127. | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 15480992 | Computer Science (all) |
128. | International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | 1756378X | Computer Science (all) |
129. | Procedia Computer Science |
| Computer Science (all) |
130. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 19928645 | Computer Science (all) |
131. | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 20900147 | Computer Science (all) |
132. | RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao | 16469895 | Computer Science (all) |
133. | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | 17550556 | Computer Science (all) |
134. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications | 17408865 | Computer Science (all) |
135. | AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | 3650359 | Computer Science (all) |
136. | Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine | 20080387 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
137. | Open Bioinformatics Journal | 18750362 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
138. | Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment | 21508097 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
139. | Symmetry | 20738994 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
140. | International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals | 19473478 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
141. | Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation | 21948402 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
142. | npj Quantum Information |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
143. | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | 21984182 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
144. | Mathematics |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
145. | TEM Journal | 22178309 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
146. | Geomatics and Environmental Engineering | 18981135 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
147. | Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
148. | Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
149. | Ledger |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
150. | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art | 2096496X | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
151. | International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science | 1290541 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
152. | International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making | 2196220 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
153. | Data Science Journal | 16831470 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
154. | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | 15564665 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
155. | International Journal of Computational Methods | 2198762 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
156. | dima | 1474-0346 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
157. | ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 2640-4567 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
158. | ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING | 1582-7445 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
159. | AI COMMUNICATIONS | 0921-7126 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
161. | ARTIFICIAL LIFE | 1064-5462 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
162. | AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS | 1387-2532 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
163. | AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS | 0929-5593 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
164. | BIG DATA RESEARCH | 2214-5796 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
165. | CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY | 2468-6557 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
166. | ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 0952-1976 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
167. | EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION | 1063-6560 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
168. | EVOLVING SYSTEMS | 1868-6478 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
169. | EXPERT SYSTEMS | 0266-4720 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
170. | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS | 0957-4174 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
171. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING | 1041-4347 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
172. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS | 2162-237X | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
173. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | 0162-8828 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
174. | IET BIOMETRICS | 2047-4938 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
175. | IET COMPUTER VISION | 1751-9632 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
176. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 0884-8173 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
178. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS | 1868-8071 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
179. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL | 2192-6611 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
180. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS | 0129-0657 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
181. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS | 1064-1246 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
182. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0925-9902 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
183. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING | 0956-5515 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
184. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS | 0921-0296 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
185. | JOURNAL OF LOGIC LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION | 0925-8531 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
186. | MINDS AND MACHINES | 0924-6495 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
187. | NATURAL COMPUTING | 1567-7818 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
188. | NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING | 1351-3249 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
189. | NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | 2522-5839 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
190. | NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS | 0954-898X | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
191. | SWARM AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION | 2210-6502 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
192. | SWARM INTELLIGENCE | 1935-3812 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
193. | TRAITEMENT DU SIGNAL | 0765-0019 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
| Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
195. | TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES | 1300-0632 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
196. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS | 1550-4859 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
197. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB | 1559-1131 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
198. | ACTA INFORMATICA | 0001-5903 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
199. | AD HOC NETWORKS | 1570-8705 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
200. | AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS | 1551-9899 | Computer Science, Information Systems |