Green Radio Communication Network Project.
Green Radio project promotes in reducing energy consumption of future base stations. Green Radio is based on extensive life cycle Assessment (LCA) conducted by different network operators. A technique that enables energy efficient wireless networks is green Radio. Green radio Project users are rapidly increasing and it eventually results in higher demand of energy usage.Current wireless networks are not energy efficient specifically base stations which terminals access network services. Green Radio projects helps to overcome problems faced in terminals access network service. EARTH is a new energy efficient technology introduced in green radio network to reduce energy consumption. It combines with network communication concepts like LTE-A. Core 5 Green Radio program of mobile Virtual Center of Excellence (MVCE), GreenTouch are evolved in green radio projects. Green Radio project sets the aspiration of achieving a hundredfold reduction in power consumption over current designs for wireless communication networks. Green Radio project helps in creating products that are safer and more beneficial to the environment. In forthcoming generation green radio will be used in many areas.
Objectives of Green radio projects.
- To provide a novel method for establishing Energy Efficient wireless network by reducing the total power consumption in the base stations.
- Reduce the amount of energy consumption by the networks’ BSs.
- Maintain a satisfactory QoS for the users.
- To achieve Eco-Balance in nature by reducing carbon dioxide emission.
Research objectives in green Radio projects:
- Techniques.
- Architectures.
- Embodied Energy.
- Base station.

Techniques: For energy savings in base stations innovative concepts are developed.
- New cross layer protocols.
- Improved amplifier designs.
- Efficient scheduling algorithms.
Architectures: The most energy efficient base station deployments are assessed.
- Multihop and Relay.
- Heterogeneous Networks.
- Wi-Fi.
- Traffic overloads to fem cell.
Base station: Components of base station are as follows.
- Power amplifiers.
- Radio transceivers.
- Transmit antenna.
Embodied Energy: Plays a vital role in saving mobile energy.
Green Radio communication network :
To meet the increasing demand of high data rate for wireless communications network. Coverage area and capacity of existing cellular network systems are not sufficient.Hence heterogeneous network model is proposed for green radio communication network.
Heterogeneous networks: Long term Evolution deals on heterogeneous networks,this is the correct solution to enhance indoor coverage to deliver high bandwidths and off load traffic from macro base stations.
Several open issues are under investigation as:
- Resources management.
- Interface Coordination.
- Handover techniques.
- Power Consumption.
Steps to Reduce Energy consumption in Green Radio Projects.
- Resource allocation strategies
- Interference management and mitigation
- Energy efficient routing and multihop
Preventive measures carried in Green Radio Project.
There are several measures to make more energy efficient in Green Radio projects. During various states some of them are concerned to reduce the power consumption they are:
- Cognitive radio.
- Energy Harvesting.
- Sleep, Active modes.
- Directional Antenna.
- High transmission speed.
- Schedule management.
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Applications of Green Radio communication network project.
- Embedded emissions of network equipment.
- Reduce power Consumption.
- During operation, energy consumed in network.
- Emission associated by mobile operators and emission from transport.
- Reduce CO2 emission levels.
Benefits of Green Radio project:
- Sewage treatment: For multiple purposes use of recycled water is allowed
- Reducing pollution: Green house effects and global warming are prevented.
- Green Chemistry: Chemical products that are safe for environment are assured.
- Reducing total power consumption.
- Reduction of the size of generator set, which leads to low – capital investment
- Preventing depletion of fossil fuels
- Improve ecological balance of nature by reducing the CO2 emission.