Microcontroller Projects for Research Scholars.
Microcontroller contains memory, CPU, timers, I/O ports and peripheral units in a single chip. There are many variety of microcontrollers available today. There are both reprogrammable and only once programmable microcontrollers. Pressure control, power level measuring and automotive are some of the areas on which engineering students can base their projects on microcontroller. Many new features of devices such as GSM, RFID, mechanical and robotic devices can be added to microcontroller features. We offer full support and guidance for Microcontroller based projects. Various innovative projects such as home automation system, security system and industrial controls can be developed using microcontroller.
Project Ideas for 8051 Microcontroller based projects:
Automatic control based applications are created by 8051 microcontroller based projects. All projects on microcontroller can give a detailed knowledge about 8051 microcontroller. Justifying its name microcontroller can control any applications. So it’s used in the framing of projects such as fire detection, fire fighting, phase motor and automatic college bell program. Interactive voice mechanism is another promising topic under microcontroller based projects.
Features of 8051 Microcontroller:
- 128 bytes Random Access Memory (RAM).
- 64K data memory space.
- Two 8/16 bit timers.
- 4k bytes read only memory.
- 64k external code memory.
- Multiple internal and external interrupt.
- Four 8 bit I/O ports.
Memory Associated With 8051: In order to implement programs effectively 8051 microcontroller contains three fundamental types of memory. Physical microcontroller memory is added on chip memory. Off chip memory is an external code memory. External code memory or programmable memory is called as erasable programmable read only memory. Static flash or flash RAM is the form by which external RAM is available.
Addressing Modes in 8051:
Indirect Addressing: It is a flexible addressing mode. Extra bytes of internal memory RAM.
Code Indirect Addressing: 8051 external memory is accessed with code indirect addressing mode.
Immediate Addressing: Data next to operation code in memory can be retrieved in immediate addressing.
Direct Addressing:Data’s stored in memory location is accessed directly by these methods.
External Addressing: External memory values are accessed using external addressing.
Timers of 8051:There are two times which are controlled by read, set and configured separately. Its process includes of calculating time, counting events and keeping time.
Basic Register used in 8051 Microcontroller Projects:
Accumulator: It is a register that can accommodate results in various forms of instruction. It can handle 8 bit value and it is far more important than 8051 registers.
R Registers: It is an eight register set with general register purpose property. It is counted as R0 to R7. It is an auxiliary register.
B Register: It works under only two set of instructions and process that is division and multiplication.
Program Counter: It is a 16 bit register through which follow up instructions to be executed is given.
Stack Pointer: It holds 8 bit value. Push and Pop operations of 8051 microcontroller are also performed.
We guide Research Scholars to implement Microcontroller based Projects. We guarantee satisfaction,quality,100% and on-Time delivery.
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Sample Microcontroller Projects.
Innovative projects on home automation system, security system and industrial controls and various microcontroller based projects will be handled by our concern.
Applications of Microcontroller Projects:
- Robotic System.
- Washing Machines.
- Microwave Oven.
- Air Conditioners.
- Video Games.
- Anti Lock Breaking System.
- Electronic Smart Weight Display System.
- TV Remote.
- Alarm Clock.
- Calculator
- Cell Phone.