BE Projects for Students.
Students of bachelor of engineering need to do project in their final year of academic studies. All engineering department namely information technology, computer science, electrical and electronics and electronics and communication at the pre final year students of BE should do a mini project. Usually hardware and simulation projects are done by EEE and ECE students. Tools and kit are required to do such projects. Microprocessor, DSP kits and micro controller are required to do embedded projects. On the other hand software projects are done by IT and CSE students. Software projects also require tools and programming languages.Our Concern offer BE Projects for CSE,ECE,EEE and IT Students based on their requirement with 100% output and guaranteed Customer satisfaction.
B.E projects based on computer science & IT
Students of CSE and IT make use of various tools and languages to implement a code. In order to attain a specified result certain tools are used.
Programming based projects:
Android, C, C++, dot net and java are some of widely used programming languages window and web based application need to be supported by dot net and java in various domains. Such domains are listed below
- Grid computing.
- Computer graphics.
- Information forensics and security.
- Cloud computing.
- Brain computer interface.
- Ubiquitous computing.
- Software engineering.
- Internet computing.
- Data mining.
Tools based projects:
In various domains such as networking, data mining, image processing, mobile computing and wireless communication to attain simulation outputs open source tools are needed.
Matlab and scilab are two simulation tools which are used in concepts such as medical imaging remote sensing bio medical engineering, geosciences and image processing. These tools help in the process of segmentation, thresholding, classification, blurring, edge detection and filtering. Other than this imaging tools and OpenCV tools are also used in image processing for the conversion of 2D image into 3D image.
In the arena of networking NS3 and NS2 tools are used for mobile computing and wireless communication. Wireless communication is also supported by QualNet. Video transmission and underwater position sensing are associated with OMNET++ simulation tool. Wireless technologies such as WIMAX, UMTS and WLAN are supported by Opnet simulation. This simulator contains frame work, scenarios and components.
Text files that act as dataset for processing should be studied by data mining to obtain its semantic syntactic meaning to do so word net tool is used. Another tool weka uses neural network algorithms, to do image oriented process. For annotation and wrapping process Rtools are used.
On the other hand a language C and C++ is needed to solve various problems. Most preferred language for doing projects is android. These android projects can create applications for smart phones. They fall under the category of augmented reality, pervasive computing, learning and multimedia technologies.
BE projects based on ECE:
Hardware and simulation are the basic concepts to do project for ECE students. VLSI and Labview are the additional simulation tools used in ECE. Hardware kits are also necessary. Projects on ZigBee and RFID lets zone to zone wireless communication.
BE projects based on EEE:
Projects on power system and power electronics related to converters and motors are done by electronic students. These project are only hardware base matlab simulink tool is used by EEE students in their project.

B.E projects for electronics and telecommunication, B.E projects on networking, B.E projects for computer engineering, B.E projects for information technology, B.E projects for electronics, B.E projects on embedded systems, B.E projects for it engineering.
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