Vehicular Ad hoc network projects is used to communicate between two vehicles for the purpose of avoiding the accidents mainly and also for other applications very well. These VANET projects can promptly offer a lot of applications, protocols and algorithms to mainly safeguard the driver’s life from the unforeseen accidents. Thus these projects certainly aim toward the safety of the transportation. Providing an intelligent vehicular system, this VANET application identifies the nodes position. These projects do use indeed NS2 or NS3 simulation tools particularly. Having communication devices along with, these projects provide security, auto sensing, protocols routing and as well the traffic distribution information. VANET is successfully used for the applications as:
Communication technology used in vehicular Ad hoc network projects:
Sensor technology:
Infra red sensing, video as well as camera image perception, radar like devices can have indeed a practical understanding toward the environment of the vehicle.
Vehicle digital positioning technologies:
GPS, GPRS, WI-FI, WI-MAX are for to sense the position and environment of the vehicle very aptly.
Grid locks techniques:
This device detects the traffic intensity of a road side and then sends the collected information to all the nodes or vehicles in that roadside.
It transmits all the information to the nodes of the network and detects the non traffic route.

End to end delay: A parameter used in vehicular network is end to end delay. In packet transmission, overall delay could be given. Application agent could be calculated, destination node and both source are used. Small latency in vehicular network is required in end to end delay to provide quick message.
Simulation time: The time taken to simulate project in a network is simulation time. In seconds, the time taken for simulation is measured.
Communication types in Vehicular Ad hoc network projects :
Vehicle to vehicle communication: This communication type is fit for short range networks of the vehicles.
Vehicle to infrastructure communication: It provides complete safety for critical area.
Vehicle to roadside communication: This communication sort can broad cast the traffic as well as path information to the whole nodes in a network.
Recent works in Vehicular Ad hoc network projects :
Dash navigation or dash driver network: It helps the drivers to announce the location of the vehicle or of the traffic to variant vehicles.
Car to car communication system: By combining V2V and V2I, this system enables a cooperative system between the car makers.
Google driverless: Developed by Google, this system can successfully collect the street information from GMAP rather.
Advantages of Vehicular Ad hoc network projects :
To warn toward the vehicle collision, to warn at a distance toward the security, to assist the driver, for cooperative driving, for the internet access, to detect the map location, to park automatically, to sleep mode drive and as well for the driverless vehicle.
- It avoids accidents.
- It reduces the intensity of the traffic.
- It controls the speed of the vehicles.
- It finds easily the location of the vehicle.
- It’s as toward the measures of transportation safety.
- It provides the up to the date traffic data.
- It provides the information about the weather.
- It enhances the services such as email, audio, video sharing
We provide such VANET projects to the students and so far we have done such 212 projects for the sake of the students. We do such academic projects all for the students winning purpose. We do the final year projects means as for the final year student’s grand success rather without any longing for to hesitate indeed.
Future work:
VANETs future work will be such as the route diversim, electronic toll collection, checking as toward the parking space availability in the metro Politian cities or in some geo graphical locations as well as the VANET can successfully provide no traffic path to the ambulances.
We provide such VANET projects to the students with a deep dedication as toward. We also verify IEEE/ACM/Springer/Science direct/Elesvier like journals for the sake of the research scholars as well as for the sake of the students pertaining to MS/M.TECH/M.E/B.TECH/B.E courses. We never do fail in the wake of perfection while we are toward such academic projects.