Telecommunication is the next big thing in wireless technology. It was electric and electromagnetic signals to transmit communication using Telecommunication Engineering Projects. Students from major like electrical and electronics engineering, electrical and communication engineering and information technology can do projects on telecommunication knowledge on analog and digital signal conversation are a bonus by doing telecommunication engineering projects.

Kinds of Telecommunication System:

Optical Telecommunication: It is the most generic approach in telecommunication. Its purpose is to convert information’s into signal flags. Fiber optical communication comes under the type. But it converts information into beam of light.

Radio Telecommunication System: Radio communication is the mass medium. It is biggest form of communication in recent days. TV shows are broadcasted through this system.

Full Duplex Telecommunication: This mode of communication enable both the sender and receiver communicate simultaneously. All types of phones and internal are the best example of this method.

Half Duplex Telecommunication: In this mode sender first sends his message and then receiver send back his replays later. Satellite and radio communication are part of this half duplex telecommunication.

Telecommunication Network: A cluster of destination, intermediate and source nodes which are linked by routing protocols or topology.

Types of Telecommunication Network: The types are classified based on the Geo location. They are

WAN (Wide Area Network): As the name suggests it cover a huge geographical area. They are used by business and government sectors. WAN links all micro and minicomputer to mainframe computer.

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): Connection to many LAN Network in a particular range is called as MAN.

LAN (Local Area Network): LAN provides network within a building or an organization. The range of connection is very small. Though small it provides high speed network to its users.

Telecommunication Links: The function of telecommunication link is to increase the speed of transmission, network bandwidth and channel capacity.

Types of Telecommunication links:

Wireless Media: The data is transmitted without any wires through space or air which is then received via antenna. In this method input data is split into many directions.

Terrestrial Microwave: Microwave signal are used for long distance communication. The waver travel in the surface level of earth.

Radio Transmission: Radio Transmission is done through air or space.

Satellite transmission: Satellite uses microwave to transmit their data to base station. High speed of transmission is obtained. Its special purpose is reuse operation, earth monitoring service and metrological department.

Guided media: When transmission of data takes place in a closed path it is guided media.

Fiber Optic Cable: The middle of fiber optic cable has a glass covered data transmitting core.

Coaxial Cable: It has many layers of insulators with electric conductors at center.

Thirsted Pair Cable: It has two wires to communicate.

Telecommunication Network Switching: Many users using same communication channels make the communication slow. So switching of devices makes the communication more effective.

Types of Switching:

Packet Switching: It is used to split input data into many chunks which becomes packets. The input is received by receivers as packets.

Fast Packet Switching: It has parity and checking to identify packet error.

Circuit Switching: Communication among one node to another is done by circuit switching. It is useful for application which takes time to transmit.

Telecommunication components:

  • Communication links or medium.
  • Telecommunication equipment.
  • Software for telecommunication.

Future Scope:

Human activity sensing is the futures of telecommunication. Every main action of human like speech and functions can be transformed as telecommunication signal. Telecommunication Engineering Projects bridges the interaction of human with machines.