What is Research Proposal?
Research Proposal is an outline which has a detailed description of the suggested approach. The targeted literature view and definitive results are included in research proposal. Our development group carry’s out research proposal as per clients requirements. The research work is maintained in secrecy, no details regarding research customers are shared to any faculty members.
Our Research Proposal Support:
Research proposal overall process are guided by our development team where every customer is supported by a unique team leader and excellent language professionals to bring out research work in good quality.
On basis of the domain demanded by the customer we prepare research proposal document. Grammatical mistakes are avoided as there is a careful examination of research work. Research Proposal document is prepared for the following computer science domains:
- Audio, Speech and Language Processing.
- Automation Science and Engineering.
- Bio medical Engineering.
- Brain Computing Interface.
- Circuits and Systems.
- Cloud Computing.
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
- Computational Intelligence and AI in games.
- Computer communication and Information.
- Computer Graphics.
- Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
- Context Aware Computing.
- Data Mining.
- Dependable and Secure Computing.
- Geo Science and Remote sensing Letters.
- Grid Computing.
- Image Processing.
- Information Forensics and Security.
- Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation.
- Internet Computing.
- Medical Imaging.
- Mobile Computing.
- Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
- Parallel, Distributed and network Based Processing.
- Parallel and Distributed Computing.
- Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
- Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile Engineering.
- Pervasive Computing.
- Plasma Science.
- Science and Technology.
- Service Computing.
- Software Engineering.
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering.
- System Sciences.
- System and Cybernetics.
- Ubiquitous Computing.
- Ultrasonic’s, Electronics and Frequency control.
- Augmented Reality.
Framing Research Proposal:
Research Proposal document is framed for the above domains and the tools are implemented by the specialists. Research customer can come up with their own ideas and taught. By comparing and revising about the domains in reputed journal literature survey is carried out and problem identification on the specific domain is done. Problem identification is done by our expert developing team where all the details are combined and integrated with technologies so that they frame a problem. Our problem will be easily acceptable as it is based on techniques, algorithms, protocol and functions.
Customer Guidance:
Research Proposal is support by on line or direct support. Thesis writing and editing service is offered which compose up to 200pages. Journal and conference support is rendered by us. Global guidance is provided by our concern. Our technical team are always updated on the current technologies so as to guide the research clients, thus we keep our customers happy and gain new customers.