In general, remote sensing is a method of sensing and capturing data from long distances. For instance: NASA can monitor the earth and other planets’ behavior using sensors on satellites. Also, these sensors on aircraft capture the reading of emitted energy. Overall, it plays a major role in acquiring data about the planet from global perception. This helps to take data-intensive decisions depending on the collected present / future condition of our planet.
This page motivates you to gain more knowledge on Remote Sensing with Python development support!!!
Now, we can see in what way python is helpful to the remote sensing domain. Our developers have developed several countless projects in different dimensions. From our experience, we have given some python specialization in remote sensing project developments. Further, we assure you that we guide you to untie the knots of complication in current challenging remote sensing issues.
Remote Sensing With Python Projects
- Python is a globally acknowledged open-source high-level language
- Highly employed in Remote sensing and GIS
- Utilize scripting language to improve the software groundwork
- Also, it is adaptive to support OOPs concepts
- Largely used in several research domains, industries, and other platforms
- Facilitate free-of-cost for development and deployment
- Enable to import, install and run numerous software supporting packages
To improve the geospatial system, several tools are introduced. Majorly, these tools have the working principle of developing mapping applications. For this purpose, several more valuable texts are being used.
Python is one of the best programming to collect different information and code from these text blogs. It uses scripts to deliver unaltered text/code to execute the desired process in remotely sensed information. Moreover, we also enlisted the primary reasons for python utilization in both remote sensing and geographical information system.
What is the purpose of python in remote sensing?
- Remote Sensing
- Support aerial and satellite photographic sensors
- Inspect and Assess remotely captured images using digital image processing software
- Geographical Information System
- GIS is software to build, modify, analyze and store geospatial data
- Generate output as geospatial products like web services, geo-maps, and other smart mobile apps
To support the above remote sensing and GIS software, QGIC and ArcGIS are designed with python support. In this, python is the default programming used to make the work as easy as possible. Also, we have highlighted the advantages of using Remote Sensing with Python in research aspects for doctorate and research students and scholars,
- High programming ability to work self-reliantly
- Improve the critical thinking abilities by geospatial problems
- Enhance the knowledge through fieldwork
- Automate the knowledge over map development, geoprocesses, and ArcGIS functionalities
- Enrich the skills of troubleshooting, critical thinking, and problem-solving
- Develop knowledge to perform specific geospatial operations
- Provide a platform to learn geospatial skills in both conceptual and analytical aspects
- Enhance the capability to realize geospatial issues by troubleshooting approach
- Improve ability to develop own problem-solving solutions
How Python is used in Remote Sensing?
As mentioned earlier, Python is an in-build scripting language in GIS software. The main objective of incorporating python is to achieve enhanced geospatial data processing in an automated way. The syntax of python is command-oriented for scripting which uses statements, data types, and functions. Most importantly, it supports several libraries for remote sensing and GIS processes.
The below-specified libraries are developed to support python specifically for GIS / remote sensing. These tools capture the data from sensing and generate the gridded satellite data files which act as the input for different models.
Further, it enables to capture of the position of any objects on the earth’s surface based on the geodetic positions which are identified by geo-based coordinates. Moreover, if you are using geospatial data then organize the data in a uniform grid. Since the data may be in dissimilar resolution and distributed over various grids Remote Sensing with Python. Here, we have specified some key libraries that are commonly employed in python-based remote sensing developments.
Latest Python Libraries for Remote Sensing
- Include toolbox called Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Image Processing
- Allow autofocusing based on phase gradient algorithm
- Enable to model and process phase historic data based on omega-k, polar and back projection schemes
- Support datasets of both GIS and remote sensing
- Utilize XML interface / python bindings to import RSGISLib tools
- Geopy
- Python-enabled Geocoding toolbox
- MMM-Py
- Open-source and free-of-cost
- Enable real-time Quicklook plots
- Generate figures that ready for publication
- Spectral Python (SPy)
- Intended for hyperspectral image processing
- Executed using python commands or python scripts
- Include separate methods for collecting, interpreting, visualizing, and categorizing
- Pyproj
- Interface developed in python which comprises several functions
- These functions are helpful to work among geographic and cartesian coordinates
- netCDF4
- Read and Write files using NumPy package (HDF and netCDF formats)
- For instance: HDF5, netCDF 3 / 4 files
- Python Cartographic Library
- PCL is the open-source package used for GSI data interpretation
- In specific, convert different backends into mapping
- MintPy
- MintPy is expanded as Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon (MintPy)
- Open-source package used for InSAR time series analysis
- Comprises autonomous toolboxes and a small baseline approach
- Collect heap of interferograms in different formats and generate 3D earth surfaced displacements
- Shapely
- Python package with BSD-license
- Based on JTS and GEOS libraries
- Enable to work with geometric-based planetary entities
- RadarsatLib
- Collect data of RADARSAT-2 SAR
- Enable to filter, analyze, process and normalize
GIS Libraries in Python
Similar to remote sensing, here we have given the primary libraries that are widely used in python-based geographical information system developments. Generally, Python is well-known for its supportive pre-defined libraries. On using these libraries one can easily build, develop, test, visualize, classify and store objects.
And, some of the important libraries/packages are given below,
- Used to attribute, analyze, and segments objects
- TuiView
- Used to visualize data on using enriched GUI for rule development
- Used to develop a raster data model and get Input / Output in the form of image
- Raster I/O Simplification (RIOS)
- Used to fetch, write and categorize objects which are attributed
All the above-specified libraries/packages expect RGGISLib can be implemented in any kind of platforms such as Windows, Linux, and OS X. In the case of RGGISLib, it supports UNIX oriented platforms like Solaris, Linux, and OS X. Further, we have given the detailed information of each library for your reference. Since these libraries act as a baseline for many GIS and remote sensing with python projects.
- RSGISLib means Remote Sensing and GIS Library (include 300 commands)
- Use GDAL libraries for reading and writing images
- Support processing of remote sensed data through different algorithms
- Enable integration of python scripts with module functions
- Support code reusability and system scalability
- Offer a set of low-level methods to develop an algorithm for a specific task
- Flexible to perform image segmentation, image filtering, zonal statistics, object-based classification, and image-to-image registration
- Open-source viewer developed by PyQt library for remote sensing data
- Present nearly tens of GB datasets
- Enable GDAL and GUI elements for viewing raster data (by vector overlays)
- Extendable via python plugin interface for custom-based tasks
- Support rule-based queries and classification for object attribution
- Utilizes pre-calculated statistics and image overviews (by command-line utility)
- From a contextual view of GEOBIA, it provides wide-range functions for RATs (manipulation and viewing)
- Also, include individual functions for thematic and athematic data (Example – classification)
- GDAL means Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- Image bands represent attributes and pixel values in matrix format (RAT, statistics, and pyramids)
- Offer generic library which supports whole remote sensing data
- GDAL model utilize a standalone dataset which is formed from the set of image bands
- RIOS means Raster Input and Output Simplification
- Utilize packages such as Scipy and Numpy for processing
- Specially designed for python enabled raster processing code
- In addition to image processing, it also supports RAT (read, write and store) as a key function
- Developed over GDAL library to focus on projection alignment, opening, and closing of files, spatial header info, raster grid, algorithm development, etc.
To provide you reliable development service, our developers have upgraded their knowledge in all fundamental and emerging python libraries. So, we are proficient to guide you in the right direction of code implementation. All the above-specified libraries in remote sensing and GIS are useful for general-purpose developments. In specific, we also assist you to choose other libraries based on your project requirements. Here, we have given other important external packages/libraries that are used for Remote Sensing with Python.
Major libraries in Python for Remote Sensing
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
- SciPy
- NumPy
- PySal
- EarthPy
- SciKit-Learn libs
- RasterIO
Python Packages for Remote Sensing Projects
For achieving the best results in remote sensing project development, we need to import several useful packages or libraries. Here, we have given some key packages along with their system requirements for installation. These packages can be installed using the “pip” command in the command prompt. Here, we have given just the samples for packages used for remote sensing projects. Beyond these packages, we support you to work with more python packages to achieve expected experimental results.
- Mac OSX
- Windows
- Linux – Ubuntu
- Mac OSX – Pre-compiled binaries
- Linux – Ubuntu
- Windows – Install OSGeo (plus GDAL)
Furthermore, we have also mentioned the current research direction of remote sensing which simplifies the task of using python libraries/packages. This list is prepared based on the current demands of research interest people who belong to the remote sensing field. And, we have designed different efficient techniques and algorithms to make the following processes simpler. Our ultimate goal is to gain accurate results regardless of complications. Likewise, we also support other evolving developments of python in the remote sensing field.
Current Developments in Python
- Radar Processing
- Filtering
- Texture Analysis
- Geo-based Correction (Fall off, Ground / Slant range, etc.)
- Compositing
- Feature Extraction
- Convolutions
- Astronomical Algorithms
- Resampling
- Edge Detection
- Mosaicking
- Other Video / Camera Systems
To this end, we are pleased to inform you that we support you in all recent research aspects of remote sensing with python and GIS fields. Further, we also support code development in python to ease your development phase. To know more about our unique research topic and practical execution service, communicate with our team for remote sensing project ideas for students. We assure you that we support you till you reach your research destination in the remote sensing field.