Image processing is done by two method, extraction and manipulation. First input image is extracted and then it manipulated and delivered as output image in PROJECTS ON IMAGE PROCESSING USING MATLA. With the help of matlab many problems in image processing is solved by creating new algorithms. Matlab toolboxes can be used by researchers to get desired result.

Medical Image Processing projects can be done by students of information technology, electrical and instrumentation, computer science, biomedical engineering and electrical and instrumentation. Projects on medical imaging lets get closer details on human organs.Medical imaging Processing Projects is the emerging branch of medicine and technology.

Medical Image Processing Projects

Digital image processing is a processing of scene data to be automatically processed by machine. Digital images are captured from digital cameras and scanners which have some pixel resolution, colors and image quality.Image analysis is a process of solving a problem of extracting information during manipulation of images in Image Processing Projects.

Digital Image Processing Projects

Image processing, computer vision and computer graphics are the categories of this field. Thesis should follow the sequence of problem formulation, creation of proposed algorithm, implementation and results. The manuscript of thesis should be published in a journal.Geoscience, remote sensing, medical imaging and signal processing are the promising areas of Image Processing thesis.

Image Processing Thesis

Technique of Basic Image Processing:

  • Background subtraction.
  • Morphological operations.
  • Intensity thresholding.
  • Shape based processing.
  • Color based processing.

Background Subtraction: This method is used to subtract the meaningful information in foreground. Rests of the parts are considered as background. This is much helpful in video surveillance. As the object in focus can be separated from the background.

Morphological Operations: The shape and structure of the image is altered using morphological operations. Unnecessary noise is removed and necessary information is added to it. Dilation, background, closing erosion, opening and foreground are types of morphological operation.

Intensity Thresholding: In this method histogram is used to separate the background from foreground. The intensity   the range of threshold intensity may vary from 0 to 225.

Shape Based Processing: It is done with help of matlab function region props. The shape, area and location are detected through this method.

Color Based Processing: Luminance, radiance and brightness are the factors taken into account. The visible color range varies from 400 – 700 mm.

Classification: Classification like objects to be identified and their features are revealed. There are two methods to classify and differentiate an object.

  • Supervised Classification:

Data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and pattern recognition are some of the various domains in the classification of images. In this type of classification pre analysiation will be done.

  • Unsupervised classification:

No pre analysiation is done in this method.

Symbol Recognition:

Optical character recognition makes use of this symbol recognition. The characters are recognized by high degree of precision in this method. It is used for car license plate detection.

Future Enhancement:

More innovative projects on satellite classification methods are offered by us.