Image processing process on image into ubiquitous format. The input image should be from camera CCD array, optical photo receptors and rays in virtual camera. This input is then processed and output is obtained from computer monitor. Most projects of image processing tries to unravel the problem that occur in its techniques. There are types of image processing concepts they are image measurement and image enhancement. Matlab simulation tools are used in color image processing. We offer a promising new topic on image processing such as image processing with embedded system.

Matlab covers the areas such as image processing, medical imaging,wireless communication, geosciences,computer vision applications, and remote sensing.

Matlab Tool plays a vital role in implementing Image Processing Projects.Signal processing concepts are also utilized in implementing Matlab Image Processing Projects.

Matlab simulation projects supports Technical computing.Simulation plays a key role in research and development.simulation carried using various key algorithm for Matlab Simulation Projects.

Matlab Tool is essential to layout the physical structure of communication links plus information and details related to Matlab based Communication Projects.

Matlab Thesis is based on work towards enhancement and improvement of logic in various domains and subdomains.We Assist Matlab Thesis Topics to Research Scholars.

Image processing process:

Objects that are obtained from sensing process are the main process of image processing. This process is executed through digital camera and sensors. After that feature extraction to be done. The features that are to be extracted are shape, color, geometric functions and texture. To make all this process possible various algorithms should be used. Such algorithms are as follows


  • Nearest neighbor classifier.
  • Artificial neural networks.
  • Decision tree classifier.

Medical Image Processing projects can be done by students of information technology, electrical and instrumentation, computer science, biomedical engineering and electrical and instrumentation. Projects on medical imaging lets get closer details on human organs.Medical imaging Processing Projects is the emerging branch of medicine and technology.

Medical Image Processing Projects

Digital image processing is a processing of scene data to be automatically processed by machine. Digital images are captured from digital cameras and scanners which have some pixel resolution, colors and image quality.Image analysis is a process of solving a problem of extracting information during manipulation of images in Image Processing Projects.

Digital Image Processing Projects

Image processing, computer vision and computer graphics are the categories of this field. Thesis should follow the sequence of problem formulation, creation of proposed algorithm, implementation and results. The manuscript of thesis should be published in a journal.Geoscience, remote sensing, medical imaging and signal processing are the promising areas of Image Processing thesis.

Image Processing Thesis

Nearest neighbor classifier:

An object is classified by this k-nearest is the widely used classifier. There are three nodes present in a decision tree. Training and testing are the two types of process that enunciates classification. Only the features that are close are taken for classification. Various applications are benefited using machine learning algorithm. Such applications are speech recognition, filter spam, autonomous vehicles and applications which predict heart attack and stock prizes.

Artificial neural network:

It is a computational system. Structure processing method and learning ability of a biological form of brain is the base for this network. Input layer, hidden layer and output layer are the three types of layer.

These are four different learning rules such as error correction, competitive learning, hebbian and Boltzmann.


Decision tree classifier:

A systems item are classified using decision tree classifier. Root node, internal node and leaf node are three types of decision tree. There are no incoming edges in the root node but it has multiple output nodes. One input node and two or three output nodes are present in internal nodes. This algorithm brings out optimal output in fair share of time.

Pattern recognition:

Many algorithms are needed in pattern recognition. It performs speech recognition, stock marked prediction, character recognition, weather prediction and medical diagnosis. There are three basic methodologies. They are linguistic, mathematical and heuristic

Future scope:

Projects on image processing related to pattern recognition are offered by us. They are by far the most advanced domain of image processing.