Network simulator 2 projects are based on a geographical location or an area based on its parameter and network simulation. On basis of parameter Network can be classified. Network simulator 2 is an open source simulation platform. It is object related event, based on OTCL and C++ is the simulator. To get performance analysis of every network parameters must be considered. Some of the parameters are delay, packet drop, packet delivery radio etc. A detailed description on network based on geographical location is supported in network simulator 2 projects.

Local Area Network (LAN):

It is owned by a department, small organization or by a person for home. Bus and Ring topology are used in Local area Network from a list of simple network simulator. Communication between server, workstation and shared resource is supported in LAN.

Wide Area Network (WAN):

Large geographical area as country, state and continent are connected in wide area network. Host connected server is contained in WAN. The server is owned by a service provider in communication medium by a subnet host and servers are connected. Transmission lines are contained in each subnet by a corresponding media in network. In Packet form network message can be send, for various network the network simulator has the ability to simulate packets. Different routing algorithm is used on requirement to forward packet in wireless network.

Personal area Network (PAN):

Individual needs are supported and contained in personal Area Network. For effective internet access and data transfer wireless network as mouse, keyboard and personal digital assistant use personal area network.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):

Larger area networks are controlled in MAN. Among urban area and city connection can be given. One way and two way communication are provided in MAN. IEEE wireless technologies and network simulator use Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) that are MAN Technologies.



Attributes used in Network Simulator 2 Projects:

Attributes are used in network modeling, statistical analysis and design. To compute parameters with corresponding unit value simulation tool is used. These are the general attributes used in network simulation.

Latency: The amount of time required to transfer the unit of data through network link is latency. Network speed is determined in latency.

Link Capacity: The number of messages that are handled in a link in a unit time is channel or unit capacity. In bits per second link capacity is measured.

Response time: The time required by a network for giving certain output to corresponding input is response time. Otherwise the transmission time of data in a network is response time. Better result in transmission is provided for lower response.

Throughput: The amount of data transfer in unit of time is throughput.

Bandwidth: The lowest and highest frequency available for a network is bandwidth. It is measured in Mega and Giga hertz.

Packet Drop or Loss: In a network layer or a data link layer packet may be dropped. When packet drop increases the rate of data transmission decreases.

Protocol Overhead:

The amount of protocol, transfer of messages in unit of time interval is protocol overhead. Protocol must be reduced for an effective data transmission.

Applications of Network Simulator 2 Projects:

  • Used in development of network usage in disaster and military application area.
  • Predefined model area is provided.
  • DSDV and DSR routing protocols analyzes is possible.
  • To compute routing performance using various metric with trace file.
  • The analysis of PAN, MAN, WLAN it is used.
  • New routing model can be simulated and the bugs occurred in implementation can be identified.
  • Different network environment capacity and link error can be identified.
  • With AMAC Protocol control different routing mechanism are enabled.

Network Simulator 2 Projects Future Scope:

On wireless Ad hoc and wireless sensor networks recent networks have been focused. By network simulator both can be activated. In current trend traffic management is considered as a main issue. New algorithm can be designed to face the issue of traffic management. Our technicians focus in simulation environment of different traffic rate.