Network simulation projects states about various simulation tools that are available in network. It is a technique used in network based research area for implementing network on computer simulation. Cost and Time simulation functionality is very low. Network simulation projects are guided to academic students and research scholars like PhD and M.Phil. Our engineers carry out network simulation projects by using different protocols. The attitude of network and interconnection can be identified by using different structures.

 Types of simulation Models:

  • Discrete and continuous models.
  • Static and Dynamic models.
  • Stochastic and deterministic models.

Discrete and continuous Models:

  • A system variable tends to alter or change at discrete point of time interval under discrete model.
  • A system can be represented with variables of a network changing over a period of time in continuous model.

Static and Dynamic models:

  • By a system independent of time static simulation model are characterized
  • Dynamic system model is independent in nature, a system can change with time.

Stochastic and deterministic model:

  • Random elements in corresponding networking system are consisted in stochastic model.
  • When there is no random element in a system is named as deterministic model.


In under water sensor networks UWSim is used to simulate network design. It depends on network component function. UWSim program requires low memory, high power, Low frequency and low bandwidth. UmSim do not focus on protocol. For UWSim network framework 2.0 is applied to support programming language. Through underwater network simulator, proactive and reactive routing protocols can be simulated.


For tiny OS wireless network TOSSIM act as discrete event simulator. Interaction of network and to identify the behavior with bit granularity level is possessed in TOSSIM. By replacing components with implementation tool simulation could work, simulation for entire tiny OS application is supported by TOSSIM. For programming model and simulation TOSSIM make use of nesC language.


SENS refers to sensor environment and network simulator. SENS has layered architecture model that has physical and network components. It is a wireless sensor network simulator. C++ is the programming language used in SENS. Real Sensor nodes and direct probability is differentiated in a thin Layer.


A scalable simulation model is global mobile information System simulator (GloMOSim) for wired communication and large wireless communication. In GloMOSim, node aggregation technique was introduced for better improvement in performance of simulation. The geographical area of simulation is described in GloMOSim of each node.

GloMoSim Supports:

  • Mobile wireless routing protocol.
  • CSMA MAC Protocol.

It works is based on C with parallel discrete event simulation.


Networking research area uses NS2. It is a discrete event simulator support is provided by NS2 for routing, multicast protocols and simulation of Transmission control Protocol (TCP). To simulate wireless protocols as Mobile Ad hoc networks, LAN and wireless sensor networks, wireless network must be added.

NS2 simulation languages are

  • OTCL
  • C++

Generation tool and hybrid simulation are supported by NS2. A visualization tool known as Network Animator is provided for creating result window.

Network Simulation Projects future Research:

In today’s trend, multimedia routing protocols are designed to improve multimedia communication among internet. Modeling of different protocols are allowed in network simulation Projects.

By using various network simulator 39 and 49 network are designed. Protocols and algorithms are used to create network simulation projects. For Research scholars the problem we state will be an acceptable one as the solution will be framed on algorithm and protocols.