Network Engineering Projects with a suitable topic, methodology, and specific tool has to be selected. So avail our experts guidance we will help you with best results. Relevant to the networking domain, we suggest some intriguing projects. On the basis of project necessities, different simulation tools like Mininet, OPNET, GNS3, or NS3 can be utilized.
- Performance Analysis of SD-WAN Under Different Network Conditions
- Goal: Across diverse network states, the functionality of Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) mechanism has to be assessed by comparing with conventional WAN.
- Simulation Approach: Network models have to be developed with conventional WAN and SD-WAN configurations by means of a network simulator such as NS3 or GNS3. Various conditions such as jitter, packet loss, and high latency must be simulated. Focus on evaluating major parameters like failover times, latency, and throughput.
- Anticipated Outcomes: On the basis of enhanced bandwidth usage, faster failover abilities, and better functionality across difficult states, the benefits of SD-WAN should be exhibited.
- Evaluating the Efficiency of Different Routing Protocols in IoT Networks
- Goal: In Internet of Things (IoT) networks, consider routing protocols (for instance: DSR, AODV, and RPL) and compare their effectiveness. It is important to focus on packet delivery ratio, latency, and energy usage.
- Simulation Approach: Along with an IoT extension or framework, a simulator such as NS3 has to be used. Including different routing protocols, we plan to simulate an extensive IoT network. Across various network densities and levels, the performance metrics have to be assessed.
- Anticipated Outcomes: Appropriate for IoT applications, the highly energy-effective routing protocol must be detected, which is capable of preserving an ideal balance among packet delivery ratio and latency.
- Impact of Cybersecurity Attacks on Network Performance
- Goal: On network functionality, the effect of different cybersecurity assaults has to be examined. Some of the potential assaults are Man-in-the-Middle, DDoS, and others.
- Simulation Approach: Including and excluding cybersecurity assaults, network contexts have to be designed through OPNET or an equivalent simulation tool. Assaults must be simulated, which are aimed at various network elements and layers. On packet loss, latency, and network throughput, we intend to evaluate the potential implications.
- Anticipated Outcomes: In terms of various kinds of assaults, the deprivation in network functionality must be measured. Focus on solutions and assess their efficiency.
- QoS Optimization in Multi-service Networks
- Goal: In an integrated network platform, the QoS (Quality of Service) should be enhanced for various kinds of services (such as web browsing, video streaming, and VoIP).
- Simulation Approach: By means of NS3 or GNS3, a network model has to be applied. Note that several services must be facilitated, which have different QoS needs. Diverse QoS technologies (such as traffic modeling, prioritization) have to be implemented. Across extensive traffic load states, carry out the simulation process.
- Anticipated Outcomes: For every kind of service, consider preserving particular QoS levels and exhibit the preservation capability. It is crucial to emphasize the utilized enhancement policies and trade-offs.
- Network Scalability Analysis for 5G Cellular Networks
- Goal: By considering the explosive growth in the number of linked devices, the 5G cellular networks’ scalability has to be explored.
- Simulation Approach: To design 5G networks, we aim to utilize a suitable simulation tool such as NS3 including a 5G module. By encompassing a diverse number of devices, service kinds, and mobility models, the platforms have to be simulated. Plan to evaluate metrics like latency, throughput, and network capacity.
- Anticipated Outcomes: Regarding the scalability issues of 5G networks, some perceptions must be offered. To improve scalability in addition to preserving functionality, efficient policies have to be recommended.
- Comparative Analysis of Wi-Fi 6 Performance in Dense Environments
- Goal: In high-density user platforms like conference centers or stadiums, the functionality of Wi-Fi 6 has to be compared with former Wi-Fi principles.
- Simulation Approach: Including a large number of linked devices, a platform must be simulated. Appropriate for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) characteristics, a network simulator has to be utilized. Various metrics like interference effect, latency, and throughput per user should be assessed.
- Anticipated Outcomes: On the basis of managing high-density contexts, minimized latency, and better throughput, we need to demonstrate the enhancements that are provided by Wi-Fi 6.
- Energy Consumption Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
- Goal: In Wireless Sensor Networks, consider different data transmission and routing protocols and examine their energy usage.
- Simulation Approach: Encompassing various routing protocols (for instance: LEACH, PEGASIS), design a WSN using a simulator such as NS3. Periodically, the energy usage of nodes has to be assessed. It is significant to focus on various node densities and data transmission rates.
- Anticipated Outcomes: For expanding the WSNs’ functional durability, the highly energy-effective data transmission policy and routing protocol should be detected.
What ideas can you suggest for a bachelor thesis project I would like to combine cyber network security with computer engineering Any ideas
Cyber network security and computer engineering are rapidly evolving fields that offer a wide range of chances to develop efficient projects. By integrating these fields, we list out a few plans that could be more ideal for a bachelor thesis project:
- Routing and resource allocation in non-profit settings with equity and efficiency measures under demand uncertainty
- The p-hub centre routing problem with emissions budget: Formulation and solution procedure
- Iterated clustering optimization of the split-delivery vehicle routing problem considering passenger walking distance
- NMSFRA: Heterogeneous routing protocol for balanced energy consumption in mobile wireless sensor network
- Q-learning-based routing inspired by adaptive flocking control for collaborative unmanned aerial vehicle swarms
- A novel routing protocol for reducing packet delay with multi-beam antennas
- A review on integrated scheduling and outbound vehicle routing problems
- Applying NSGA-II to vehicle routing problem with drones considering makespan and carbon emission
- A robust optimization approach for the vehicle routing problem with cross-docking under demand uncertainty
- An adaptive ant colony algorithm for crowdsourcing multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows
- MOCRAW: A Meta-heuristic Optimized Cluster head selection based Routing Algorithm for WSNs
- Dynamic vehicle routing problem for flexible buses considering stochastic requests
- A hybrid machine learning-based multi-DEM ensemble model of river cross-section extraction: Implications on streamflow routing
- Intelligent routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks dynamically guided by distributed neural networks
- The effect of different mathematical formulations on a matheuristic algorithm for the production routing problem
- Optimal platforming, routing, and scheduling of trains and locomotives in a rail passenger station yard
- A systematic literature review of the vehicle routing problem in reverse logistics operations
- Vehicle routing with heterogeneous service types: Optimizing post-harvest preprocessing operations for fruits and vegetables in short food supply chains
- Small and large neighborhood search for the park-and-loop routing problem with parking selection
- Development of eco-routing guidance for connected electric vehicles in urban traffic systems
Including explicit goals, simulation approaches, and anticipated outcomes, we recommended several compelling projects that can be accomplished using ideal simulation tools. Related to cyber network security and computer engineering, numerous project plans are listed out by us.
Network Engineering Projects Topics
Here are some interesting topics for network engineering projects that are sure to catch your attention. Our team of skilled experts and developers has been working in this field for over 15 years. We have all the necessary tools to help you with your projects quickly and efficiently. Feel free to reach out to us for unique and personalized research and simulation support.
- Vehicle routing for connected service areas – a versatile approach covering single, hierarchical, and bi-criteria objectives
- An improved matheuristic for solving the electric vehicle routing problem with time windows and synchronized mobile charging/battery swapping
- Online optimisation for ambulance routing in disaster response with partial or no information on victim conditions
- Two-echelon multi-depot multi-period location-routing problem with pickup and delivery
- A Convex Micro-Grid-Based Optimization Model for Planning of Resilient and Sustainable Distribution Systems Considering Feeders Routing and Siting/Sizing of Substations and DG Units
- An iterated local search algorithm for latency vehicle routing problems with multiple depots
- Lightweight multi-hop routing protocol for resource optimisation in edge computing networks
- QTAR: A Q-learning-based topology-aware routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks
- Energy conservation using PISAE and cross-layer-based opportunistic routing protocol (CORP) for wireless sensor network
- Using fixed paths to improve branch-and-cut algorithms for precedence-constrained routing problems
- A two-stage optimization model for road-rail transshipment procurement and truckload synergetic routing
- Multi-objective optimization for two-echelon joint delivery location routing problem considering carbon emission under online shopping
- Solving routing problems for multiple cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Transformer networks
- Trade-offs between economic and environmental goals of production-inventory-routing problem for multiple perishable products
- Modelling and heuristically solving three-dimensional loading constrained vehicle routing problem with cross-docking
- A multi-objective solution framework for the assembly inventory routing problem considering supply risk and carbon offset policies
- Robust and resilient equilibrium routing mechanism for traffic congestion mitigation built upon correlated equilibrium and distributed
- A multi-agency coordination resource allocation and routing decision-making problem: A coordinated truck-and-drone DSS for improved wildfire detection coverage
- A matheuristic for the electric vehicle routing problem with time windows and a realistic energy consumption model
- A three-dimensional ant colony algorithm for multi-objective ice routing of a ship in the Arctic area