Information technology is the study of information transmission via various tools and systems. All innovative and creativity of students are exposed through their final year projects. Economically IT projects are highly beneficial. Various domains of networking and telecommunication serve as project titles for students of IT. These IT projects are simulated by a simulator which is a common product in market. Mini projects and final year projects involving various technologies and domain are offered by us.
Projects based on technology:
Technologies such as GPS, GPRS, and GSM are capable for developing projects of IT. Exchange of information among two users is possible through global system for mobile communication (GSM) out of this GSM various other projects regarding SMS transmission and through this SMS communication security based applications are created. GPS (Global positioning system) is advanced technologies which allows mobile applications to track and trace routes location mining concept related IT projects can be done through GPS technologies. General packet radio transmission (GPRS) is a technology which supports both 3G and 2G mobile communication projects on GPRS allow video and audio file sharing.
Projects based on communication:
There are two categories of communication called as wired and wireless communication. IT students by doing their project on wired communication can maximize the performance of its model. Only specific components are needed for making wired communication two personal computers are possible. Wireless communication is more trending than wired communication because it is more effective and efficient. It is also low of cost ZigBee, Bluetooth, wireless sensor network and wireless mesh network are some domains for IT projects on wireless communication. Apart from this domain such as i VANET, MANET and Internet MANET also can be dealt as IT projects.
Projects based on routing:
Data transferring model requires routing. Routing is also needed by wireless communication to implement its model. IT students can also do projects on unicast and multicast. Unicast routing allows data transmission for mobile and stationary node unicast doesn’t allow high bandwidth data transmission. This problem is solved through multicast routing protocols.
Projects based on computing technology:
Cloud and grid computing are the major domains for computing based IT project. Many innovative ideas regarding the communication through cloud environment is obtained by analyzing cloud and grid computing. Under the domain of grid computing falls parallel and distributed computing. Problems regarding human machine interaction are easily solved by pervasive computing. These interactive model is the new hot topic in the world of technology. It also needs client server models to implement.
Projects and ideas for IT students:
Transmission of data among various devices is implemented by doing final year IT projects on communication models. We offer all guidance and support for all IT final year projects.
Simulation tools based projects for IT:
Many simulation tools are available for creation and simulation of project. Gridsim, DCsim, ican cloud, cloud sim and tech cloud are some of the tools that simulates computing related projects it allows efficient and successful output and input of data in a cloud atmosphere. Tools such as opnet, NS2, NS3, and OMNET++ help in networking projects.
Future scope:
We offer projects on information technology that can change various new fields such as production and agriculture.