Adhoc project describes the challenges faced in Adhoc network and how it could be rectified. In Adhoc network, we concentrate on security. Our concern has supported 155+ Adhoc project and has gained wide fame. By energy efficient process data transfer and routing is analyzed.

Adhoc project are carried out by using the following simulation software tools:

  • PSM.
  • NS2.
  • NS3.
  • OPNET.
  • OMNET++.


For routing and data transmission, distributed operation is needed for media access control in wireless Adhoc network. Synchronization process in mobile nodes is carried out by time division multiple access scheme. Hidden terminal functionality is possessed by most of the nodes. Real time traffic support for video, voice and real time data transfer is supported by MAC protocol. Directional antennas are used in MAC to increase, spectrum availability to reduce power consumption and interference.

Network Simulator Tools for Ad Hoc Project:

Network simulator tools available are as follows. Ns2, Ns3, Omnet++, Opnet, Qualnet, Jsim, Netsim for ad hoc project for students.

For simulating different types of network, NS 2 plays a fundamental role. To design new wired and wireless network NS2 is very helpful tool. The working screen of packet transmission and reception from source to destination is provided by NS2.

Ns2 Projects

NS3 is used for research and development process, it is an open source software. NS3 programming language use core model of C++.By using Python core model NS3 modules can be imported. In our firm we carry out network simulator projects that are done through NS3 simulator.

NS3 Projects

OPNET support wireless and wired network simulation condition. OPNET are represented by set simulation scenarios. Data collection method and graphical tools are present in Opnet environment communication among various network simulators are provided in OPNET.

Opnet Projects

Omnet++ is flexible than other simulation tools, it is an open source component based discrete event simulation tool. Simulation of communication networks is the basic application of Omnet++. A Linux platform runs Omnet++, it compose of kernel command line interface, graphical network editor and documentation.

Omnet++ Projects

Qualnet is based on C++ working model and is a parallel discrete event scheduler. Qualnet provides probability and scalability to run thousands of nodes at a time. Using various protocols Qualnet can support libraries and models to enable design networks. Large wireless networks and new protocols can be designed by Qualnet.

Qualnet Projects

Routing issues:

Two types of routing are there in Adhoc network

  • Multicast routing.
  • Unicast routing.

Unicast routing issues:Due to various factors, in uni cast, issues arise.

Factors which affect routing processes are:

  • Error & shared channel.
  • Security issue.
  • Privacy issue.

Multicast routing issues:A process of transferring data where data could be transferred amount single source node and multiple destination node is multicast. For video and audio conference in a network, multicast functionality is useful.

The following factors affect multicast routing

  • Control overhead.
  • Efficient group management.
  • Quality of service.

Adhoc project are carried out to solve the challenges faced in Adhoc network and to improve its quality of service. In upcoming generation Adhoc networks plays an active part.

Our concern support Adhoc project for B.E, M.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, and PhD scholars in an effective manner.